Beans delivered to your home or office:

available in 12 oz, 2 lb, and 5 lb bags



Notes: Heavy Body, Chocolate, Malt, Red fruits, Tangerine

Colombia Dulima is Excelso EP grades sourced from high altitudes in the Tolima and Huila growing regions. Half of every hand-selected lot is guaranteed screen 17/18 or higher. As an excellent single origin or a consistent blender, this fully washed coffee is smooth and clean, with a pointed acidity and good body. The spread of coffee planting throughout Colombia in the early 19th century is attributed to a priest who made coffee planting a penance for his parishioners. It worked. Colombia is among the largest producer of coffee in the world, and was number two behind Brazil for decades. The Tolima growing region is named after the Tolima district, which was home to Pijaos people before the Spanish arrived. The Pijaos were known among the Spaniards as fierce defenders of their homeland, which they called Dulima.